Tag: clay

What is Air Dry Clay?

Air dry clay is simply clay that dries in the air. Air dry clay does not need to be baked in the oven or fired in a kiln.

Air dry clay dries rock hard in the air. It hardens through the process of evaporation. There are many types of air dry clay! In the next post I will give you ten types of air dry clay.

Here is a short video I made:


6 tips about Plasticine Modeling Clay

In this article and video, I explain what Plasticine is and give you six tips about this medium.

1. What is Plasticine Modeling clay made of?

Plasticine Modeling clay is an oil based clay that is neither air dry or baked clay. If you bake this modeling clay it will melt. It will not dry out as you work with it. In fact, it is a non-drying clay.

2. How does modeling clay feel?

It feels smooth, stretches easily and has no smell

3. It is ready to work with right out of the package

4. Can you sculpt modeling clay?

Yes, You can sculpt with it. You can roll into a ball, roll into a snake, make bears etc. It also sticks to itself quite well.

5. You can mix different colors together and make new colors.

6. It is not a messy clay. However you do need to use caution because when it is too warm it can get sticky.

How to store all types of clay

If you are working with clay you are going to have to store the clay you have left over.

My suggestion is to store your clay in plastic ziploc storage bags.

If you are working with air dry clay, my suggestion is to double wrap it. First in plastic cling wrap and then in a plastic bread bag. The reason you want to double wrap it is to ensure no air can reach your clay.

If you are working with polymer clay you do not need to double wrap your clay just use a gallon ziploc storage bag.

Watch the video below to see how I store my clay: