Tag: Air Dry Clay

What is Air Dry Clay?

Air dry clay is simply clay that dries in the air. Air dry clay does not need to be baked in the oven or fired in a kiln.

Air dry clay dries rock hard in the air. It hardens through the process of evaporation. There are many types of air dry clay! In the next post I will give you ten types of air dry clay.

Here is a short video I made:


6 Ingredients you need to buy make Diy Air Dry Clay/Cold Porcelain Clay

Here are the ingredients you will need to make diy air dry clay/cold porcelain clay and why to buy these particular ingredients.

  1. Elmer’s glue all glue (Do not washable school glue)
  2. Corn starch or corn flour (Do not use corn masa)
  3. Lemon Juice Concentrate
  4. Mineral oil or baby oil
  5. Dry face cream from pond’s or equate
  6. White Acrylic Craft paint

I also made a YouTube video:

Is Air Dry Clay Food Safe

The quick answer to this question is no air dry clay is not food safe.

Air dry clay is a porous clay and water and food can seep into the clay even if sealed with a water based polyurethane.

If exposed to moisture and water your sculpture will eventually turn your clay to mush.

Use air dry clay sculptures and dishes as decorative items!

If your really want food safe dishes, use ceramic clay, glaze and fire them in a kiln.

Here is a YouTube video I made:

FAQ: Can air dry clay/cold porcelain clay be restored after it has dried?

The answer to this question is No, air dry clay/cold porcelain clay made out of glue and cornstarch cannot be restored after it has been thoroughly dried. It will never take on the same smooth consistency and adding water just turns it to mush.

My recommendation is to make a new batch!

Here is a YouTube video I made:

How to prevent air dry clay/cold porcelain clay from clogging your drain

Air dry clay/cold porcelain clay is made out of glue and corn starch.

Did you know that dumping glue and corn starch down the drain can clog your drain and cause plumbing problems? When the cornstarch and glue settle at the bottom of your pipes it turns to cement.

Ptofessor amos cleaning products wrote this:

“If placed down your drain, they will be exposed to water and will become large and sticky. Then, they will cling to your pipes and form a clog. Similar to pasta and rice, flour, cornstarch and oatmeal tend to get gummy when wet. They become like cement, blocking your pipes and resulting in a plumbing emergency.Oct 30, 2019
Seven Foods That Will Destroy Your Drain – Professor Amos

This is a good tip to know! So avoid plumbing problems! Dump waste water outside not down your drain

Here is a YouTube video I made:

Studio Space and air dry clay

Working with clay especially Air Dry Clay/Cold porcelain clay made out of glue and corn starch takes up an incredible amount of space your home. There are so many liquid materials and so many things that you need space for. These are a few things to take into consideration when considering working with clay esp. Diy cold porcelain clay:

Here is a video I made:

Tell me about your studio space! Are you organized or are you messy? Tell me your stories about what works and what didn’t! Leave me comments below.

Don’t forget to like and follow for more content. Follow me on YouTube too!

How to protect your carpet from being ruined by clay

If you are working with clay you are going to inevitably drop little pieces of clay on the floor. If you have a carpet, it can be ruined by your clayful endeavors. I will show you what I bought in this :48 second Youtube video…

Tell me how you protect your floor in the comments below!

Don’t forget to follow me here and subscribe on YouTube.