Tag: clay toolbox

You need these four tools to make dots and texture

There are four tools I use to make dots and texture. You can use these tools to paint on the eyes of a miniature doll or make texture on a house. Whatever you are making it helps to have the right tools in your clay toolbox.

  1. Various sized Stylus tipped ball tools
  2. Toothpicks: The Tip of a tooth pick, or cut the toothpick up higher
  3. Darning sewing needle
  4. Ball point pen or mechanical pencil lead

You need sewing tools to work with clay

It is time to raid your Grandma’s sewing kit! Here is a list of five sewing items you might need when working with clay….

These are the items I keep in my clay toolbox and use often!

  1. Scissors are helpful to cut things and open packages
  2. Knitting needles are useful for making texture and making holes for beads
  3. Darning needles are useful for making dots
  4. Sewing needles are useful for a lot of things! I use them for closing my needle nose glue bottles
  5. Very thin Bead needles